Le Bon Cours (The Good Class) is a tutoring academy specialized in learning support for children from 6 to 18 years old in their language school: French, English, Spanish, and Catalan. We provide homework support, group tutoring in every subject, methods to improve lessons learning skills, to plan daily homework, and a distance learning program. We prepare as well national exams (Brevet, Baccalauréat, Bachillerato, Bachibac, GCE A-level).
Our goal is academic success for everyone.
Le Bon Cours provides:
Distance learning programs with CNED, Wolsey Hall Oxford or other online programs allows students to receive daily help from a competent teacher.
It is the ideal solution for high-level athletic students, artists or talented students who need an ajusted schedule.
It’s also for any student who needs extra time to learn and consolidate their skills with a personalized program in a small group class or to study in a more secure environment during this period of COVID-19.